Application Information Requirements/Environmental Impact Statement (AIR/EIS) Guidelines Approved

The BC Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEA Agency) have issued the final approved AIR/EIS Guidelines which describe the questions that are to be answered and the information to be contained in an Environmental Assessment Certificate Application for the proposed BURNCO Aggregate Project.  In finalizing this document, the BCEAO and the CEA Agency considered comments received from the public, government agencies and First Nations, BURNCO’s written responses to issues raised, and revisions made to the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines in response to these issues and concerns.

The following documentation of the AIR/EIS Guideline review and approval is available through the BCEAO website:

Approved AIR/EIS Guidelines for the Proposed BURNCO Aggregate Project

 Documentation of Technical Working Group Review

 Documentation of Public Review

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