BURNCO Rock Products Ltd today announced it has completed more than seven years of independent scientific studies and has now submitted the application to both the provincial and federal government regulators for the BURNCO Aggregate Project in Howe Sound.
“We have developed a plan with input from Government, Aboriginal Groups, scientists and the public for this project and have considered the comments and concerns raised to improve our approach and build an environmentally responsible proposal,” said Mike Powell, CEO of BURNCO. “We took the feedback we received through our public consultation efforts, engaged numerous experts in their field to assess each potential effect and concern and made many changes to improve our project.”
“BURNCO is committed to avoiding, reducing or otherwise mitigating potential effects of our proposal through design features, best management practices and other mitigation measures,” said Powell. “The conclusion of our exhaustive studies is that, with the application of design considerations and identified mitigation, no significant adverse effects will result.”
The application has been filed with both the Provincial (EAO) and Federal (CEAA) regulatory bodies. The results of the scientific studies are contained within the application and are available below and on the EAO and CEAA websites. Electronic versions of the application will be available for viewing at the following libraries: Gibsons and District Public Library, Bowen Island Public Library, West Vancouver Memorial Library, Squamish Public Library and Sechelt Public Library.
Environmental Assessment Certificate Application/Environmental Impact Statement (EAC Application/EIS) for the Proposed BURNCO Aggregate Project (July 2016)
Stand-Alone Summaries
PART A – Introduction and Background
- Table of Contents
- Table of Concordance
- Preface to the EAC Application/EIS
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
- Executive Summary
- 1.0 Purposed of the EAC Application/EIS
- 2.0 Proposed Project Overview
- 3.0 Assessment Process
PART B – Assessment of Potential Effects, Including Cumulative Effects, Proposed Mitigation Measures, and the Significance of any Residual Effects
- 4.0 Assessment Methods
- 5.0 Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects
- 6.0 Assessment of Potential Economic Effects
- 7.0 Assessment of Potential Social Effects
- 8.0 Assessment of Potential Heritage Effects
- 9.0 Assessment of Potential Health Effects
PART C – Aboriginal Information Requirements
- 10.0 Background Information
- 11.0 Assessment of Potential Effects on Aboriginal Rights, including Current Use
- 12.0 Other Aboriginal Interests
- 13.0 Aboriginal Consultation
- 14.0 Summary of Potential Effects on Aboriginal Rights, including Current Use
PART D – Federal Information Requirements
- 15.0 Requirements for Federal Environmental Assessments
PART E – Environmental Management
- 16.0 Environmental Management Program
- 17.0 Environmental Monitoring and Follow-Up Programs
PART F – Conclusions and Commitments
- 18.0 Summary of Residual Effects
- 19.0 Summary of Commitments and Assurances
- 20.0 Conclusion
PART G – References and Appendices
- 21.0 References
- APPENDIX 1 Tables of Concordance
- APPENDIX 2-A Technical Working Group: Pre-Application Issues Tracking
- APPENDIX 2-B Aboriginal Groups: Pre-Application Issues Tracking
- APPENDIX 2-C Public: Pre-Application Issues Tracking
- APPENDIX 2-1 Author Credentials
- APPENDIX 3.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
- APPENDIX 4.0 Reclamation and Effective Closure Plan
- APPENDIX 5.1-A Fish and Fish Habitat Baseline Report
- APPENDIX 5.1-B Fish Habitat Offset Plan
- APPENDIX 5.2-A Marine Resources Baseline Report
- APPENDIX 5.2-B Marine Mammal Baseline Report
- APPENDIX 5.2-C Propeller Scour Assessment
- APPENDIX 5.3-A Wildlife Baseline Report
- APPENDIX 5.3-B Vegetation Baseline Report
- APPENDIX 5.4-A Assessment of Avulsion Risk on McNab Creek, BC
- APPENDIX 5.4-B Geotechnical Stability Assessment Compensation Groundwater Channel
- APPENDIX 5.4-C Hydrologic and Hydraulic Characterization McNab Valley
- APPENDIX 5.4-D McNab Valley Project Geological Setting and Description
- APPENDIX 5.4-E McNab Creek Gravel Deposit
- APPENDIX 5.4-F Concrete Aggregate Assessment McNab Creek
- APPENDIX 5.4-G Summary Report on Sub-Surface Geology Particle Size Distribution
- APPENDIX 5.4-H Rationale for 2011 Geophysical Survey of Fan Delta
- APPENDIX 5.4-I Bathymetric and Sub-bottom Acoustic Profiling Survey
- APPENDIX 5.4-J Terrain Stability Assessments for TSL A79510
- APPENDIX 5.4-K Terrain Stability Assessment TSL A79510 Cutblock MB060
- APPENDIX 5.4-L Terrain Stability Assessment for cutblocks C3UX, C3H8 & C2XU
- APPENDIX 5.4-M Terrain Stability Assessment Blocks G063C3UW, G053C39P A, B, C
- APPENDIX 5.4-N Aerial Photograph Reference List
- APPENDIX 5.4-O Terrain Label Definitions
- APPENDIX 5.4-P Terrain Stability Classification Criteria
- APPENDIX 5.4-Q Geotechnical Stability Analysis of Pit Slopes
- APPENDIX 5.5-A Surface Water Hydrological Baseline Report
- APPENDIX 5.5-B Pit Lake Hydrodynamic Modelling
- APPENDIX 5.5-C Baseline Data Report: McNab Valley Surface Water Quality, 2009 to 2014
- APPENDIX 5.5-D Water Quality Model
- APPENDIX 5.5-E Surface Water Quality Screening Tables
- APPENDIX 5.6-A Hydrogeological Characterization
- APPENDIX 5.6-B Groundwater Evaluation of Groundwater Samples
- APPENDIX 5.6-C Geochemical Characterization
- APPENDIX 5.6-D Hydrogeological Modeling to Assess Proposed Mine Plan
- APPENDIX 5.6-E Geotechnical Assessment: Risk of Piping due to Changes in Groundwater Seepage Gradients
- APPENDIX 5.6-F Groundwater Quality Predictions
- APPENDIX 5.7-A Emission Estimation
- APPENDIX 5.7-B Dispersion Meteorology
- APPENDIX 5.7-C Dispersion Model Methods
- APPENDIX 5.7-D Air Quality and Meteorology Baseline
- APPENDIX 5.7-E Air Dispersion Modeling Detailed Model Plan
- APPENDIX 5.8-A Historical Climate Analysis
- APPENDIX 5.8-B GHG Calculation Methodologies
- APPENDIX 7.2-A Vessel Wake Wash Analysis
- APPENDIX 7.2-B Large Vessel Movements 2011 to 2013
- APPENDIX 7.3-A Official Community Plans in the RSA
- APPENDIX 7.3-B Hunting Regulations
- APPENDIX 7.3-C Non-Resident Hunting Data for WMU 2-5
- APPENDIX 7.3-D Resident Hunting Data for WMU 2-5
- APPENDIX 7.3-E Recreational Fishing Regulations
- APPENDIX 7.3-F Recreational Fishing Data
- APPENDIX 7.3-G Commercial Fishing Data
- APPENDIX 7.3-H Yacht Clubs
- APPENDIX 7.3-I Youth Camps
- APPENDIX 7.3-J Parks and Protected Areas
- APPENDIX 7.3-K Major Projects in the RSA
- APPENDIX 7.4-A Visual Resources Baseline Inventory
- APPENDIX 7.4-B Visual Resources Technical Assessment
- APPENDIX 8.1-A Final Report on Archaeological Impact Assessment
- APPENDIX 8.1-B Heritage Resource Overview Assessment
- APPENDIX 8.1-C Paleontological Resource Overview Assessment
- APPENDIX 9.1-A Human Health Baseline Data Collection and Results
- APPENDIX 9.1-B Air Screening
- APPENDIX 9.1-C Chemical Data Screening for Multimedia Assessment
- APPENDIX 9.1-D Soil Deposition Model
- APPENDIX 9.1-E Particulate Matter Literature Review
- APPENDIX 9.2-A Noise Baseline Study
- APPENDIX 9.2-B Permissible Sound Level Calculations
- APPENDIX 9.2-C Sound Power Levels of Construction Equipment
- APPENDIX 9.2-D Sound Power Levels of Operation Equipment
- APPENDIX 9.2-E Source Measurement Program: BURNCO Springbank Aggregate Mine in Alberta
- APPENDIX 9.2-F Source Measurements Program: Pine Ridges Inland Clamshell Operation in Manitoba
- APPENDIX 9.2-G Source Measurement: Treat Creek Aggregate Pit with Marine Barge Loading Facility in British Columbia
- APPENDIX 13-A Summary of Comments, Issues and Concerns Raised by Aboriginal Groups and Proponent Responses
- APPENDIX 16-A Seaspan Management Practices
Public Open Houses will be held within the 45-day formal Public Comment Period. Notification of those Open Houses will appear in the following newspapers: The Local, Sunshine Coast Reporter, The Chief, The North Shore News and Bowen Island Undercurrent.