1. What will be the expected noise level from the site?
We are in the process of conducting studies to understand the current noise levels in the area to then model the expected impact generated by the project. It is our goal that even our closest neighbours hear little to no noise coming from our site. The design of the project ensures the gravel pit and processing plant are situated behind a large tree buffer which will not only hide the operations but will also mitigate noise. To further prevent noise BURNCO has developed proprietary solutions to enclose the machinery that processes aggregate, making it a leader in mitigating dust and noise in sand and gravel operations. Also, the height of the conveyor that will transfer the aggregate to the barge is controlled by a hydraulic lift so the drop distance is always as short as possible which will ensure both that dust is not generated, and any noise is minimal.
An assessment of potential noise effects will be provided in the EAC Application/EIS.
2. What efforts will be taken to ensure that machinery noise will not disturb quality of life or affect marine mammals’ in the area?
An assessment of potential noise effects, including vibration induced by low frequency noise effects, will be provided in the EAC Application/EIS. Noise effects on wildlife will be based on the results of noise prediction modelling conducted in accordance with regulations and guideline issued by:
- The British Columbia Oil and Gas Commission;
- Health Canada; and
- The Alberta Energy Regulator.
3. What will be the expected level of light during the night from the site?
An assessment of potential light levels at night will be provided in the EAC Application/EIS.
4. Will I have to explain to visiting friends and family what they see from the highway?
As you will see from the vantage point photography and visual modelling, visiting friends and family will not see the BURNCO project site from the highway. Furthermore, the view from the water directly in front of the development will be of a conveyor system exiting the existing tree buffer, supported by pilings, that will be used to then fill what will be on average one barge every other day.
5. Will there be dust generated from the site?
An assessment of potential dust generation by the project will be provided in the EAC Application/EIS.
6. What will be in the impact on the area permanently? What will change in the landscape?
The permanent change to the landscape will be a freshwater lake setback 100m from McNab Creek, covering 75 acres.
7. What will your operating hours be?
At 1 million tonnes a year, which is our expected volume, we will be operating five days a week, from 7am to 5pm. However, we will apply for a permit that will allow 24 hour a day operations in the event the demand were to increase dramatically. But, our expectation is Monday to Friday, 7am to 5pm.
Details of the operation will be covered in the EAC Application/EIS.
8. How many barges a day?
At 1 million tonnes a year that would translate to one aggregate filled barge leaving the site every other day.
9. What will be the impact on property values?
The EAC Application/EIS will provide an assessment of potential effects on property values.
10. Is it renewable?
Aggregate is a non-renewable resource. Once an area of land that is made up of a good quality aggregate is developed upon, access to that aggregate is forever lost. It is important to source aggregate close to areas of development in order to reduce the costs of the end use product due to lower shipping costs.
11. Is there any other source of aggregate locally?
There may be other good sources of aggregate locally, however, this location was chosen by BURNCO for a number of reasons. It is situated on a property that historically and currently has been an industrial site. The shipment of the aggregate from this location can be done via tug and barge thus limiting the number of gravel trucks on the already congested Lower Mainland roadways. One barge load is the equivalent of 416 dump trucks that are not needed for transportation.
12. What will be the benefits to taxpayers? What will the legacy costs be?
An assessment of potential benefits to taxpayers as well as potential legacy costs will be provided in the EAC Application/EIS.
13. Will the project impact the surrounding environment?
An assessment of potential effects on a range of valued environmental components will be provided in the EAC Application/EIS. The purpose of the EA is to predict the significance of potential project-related effects and to identify measures to avoid or reduce these potential effects through redesign and operational improvements.