Technical Studies

Environmental assessment in BC provides an integrated process for identifying and evaluating potential adverse environmental, economic, social, heritage and health effects that may occur during the life of a reviewable project. The purpose of the EA is to predict the significance of potential project-related effects and to identify measures to avoid or reduce these potential effects through redesign and operational improvements. The assessment process ultimately results in a decision by the responsible ministers regarding whether to issue an EA Certificate, subject to legally binding conditions, which is required before a reviewable project can proceed.

The Assessment Methodology will reflect current accepted EA practice in BC and Canada in accordance with the BCEAO Guideline for the Selection of Valued Components and Assessment of Potential Effects (BCEAO 2013).

Summary of Methodological Steps (BCEAO 2013).

Summary of Methodological Steps (BCEAO 2013).

On September 9, 2013 BURNCO submitted the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines (Rev 2.1) to the BCEAO and the CEA Agency for public review. BURNCO considered comments received from the public, government agencies and First Nations and made revisions made to the draft AIR/EIS Guidelines in response to issues and concerns.  The BCEAO and the CEA Agency considered the adequacy of BURNCO’s responses in issuing the final approved AIR/EIS Guidelines on December 16, 2014.  The Approved AIR/EIS Guidelines are available here through the BCEAO website.

The following technical studies being undertaken to assess potential effects of the proposed Project:

The effects assessment will consider:

  • The context (sensitivity, etc) for each component
  • The magnitude, geographical extent, duration, frequency and reversibility of each potential effect; and
  • The likelihood of a predicted effect occurring

Community knowledge and Aboriginal traditional knowledge will be applied, where available and appropriate.

Practical measures will be proposed to avoid, reduce or otherwise mitigate potential adverse effects.

A program of environmental monitoring and follow up will be presented to:

  • Verify the conclusions of the effects assessment
  • Monitor effectiveness of proposed mitigation
  • Determine whether further measures are needed