Project Overview

The image to your right is an artist rendering of the site after mining and reclamation. Freshwater lakes, like this one, created as a result of gravel mining continue to provide recreational opportunities for the communities that surround them.

  • Aggregate will be mined underwater using an electric powered floating clamshell.
  • The Project has been designed based on areas that have been previously cleared, and on detailed groundwater, fisheries and surface water modelling.
  • The extent of the pit surface area is being based on no negative impacts to surrounding watercourses.
  • Wet sand and gravel will be conveyed to a shore processing area with a floating conveyor system to limit noise and dust.
  • The processed sand and gravel products will be conveyed to a stockpile area prior to loading onto barges using rubber belts and specialized covered conveyors to limit noise and dust.
  • Tugs will deliver one barge and pick up an aggregate filled barge every other day. The filled barge will be towed through existing barging routes and navigational channels from the site through Howe Sound to the Fraser River to existing BURNCO facilities.
  • An lake will remain following closure. The lake closure plan is being designed to provide productive fish and wildlife habitats with connectivity to the marine environments.)

Process Animation