Benefits of Aggregrate



  • Aggregate is sand and gravel and is a naturally occurring material
  • It is required to make asphalt and concrete
  • 80% of our aggregate is used for residential construction and public infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, homes and schools
  • 10 — 15 tonnes of aggregate per year are consumed for every BC resident. That’s around 30 million tonnes needed in Greater Vancouver alone every year, enough to fill BC Place Stadium with gravel 10 times over.
  • This project would, on average, contribute 4% to the total annual volume of gravel used in Greater Vancouver and the Lower Mainland. By a Canadian company.

Use of Aggregate

  • Each kilometre of road construction contains 10,300 tonnes of mineral aggregate.  That translates into 1.7 million tonnes of aggregate used for new municipal road construction annually in BC*
  • The construction of an average elementary school in BC uses 1,375 tonnes of concrete, and an average secondary school uses 7,500 tonnes of concrete.*

 * statistics taken from a study commissioned by the BC Ministry of Employment and Investment in 1996